How do you fill the BDFW water punch bag? Too light? Too firm? Watch this video to get your perfect fill!

How do I fill up my self fill punch bag?

What Size Bull Doza Fight Wear Water Punch Bag Should I Get?

All Our Sizes In Action!

Can I use my Water Punch Bag outdoors?

Absolutely, the bag will survive the harshest weather conditions. However, in cold temperatures (8 degrees celsius and below), your bag will become very firm (our bags are designed for indoor professional boxing gyms). This is due to our thick indestructible Vinyl. Rest assured that this does not damage the bag in any way, but it must not be used when very firm (you should always be able to press 5CM into the belly of the bag).To soften the bag simply bring the bag indoors to allow it to soften naturally at room temperature.

Why would I choose a self fill punch bag and how much filler goes in each Bull Doza Fight Wear self fill punch bag?

It’s Simple it means we can ship you out a much higher quality punch bag at a fraction of the price. Additionally you can tailor the bags firmness and weight to you which is the choice of the pros